The days of meeting with potential brides and grooms at Starbucks have ceased! The online proofing concept is now a in person meeting to preview your photos together with me to help assist you with making choices for your package. Now I can have the joy of seeing your faces when looking at the artful portraits I have captured for you which was the last piece of my happy business puzzle which needed to come together.
Few trips to Ikea,
shopping online to find a black desk,
and the look was almost complete...
48 inch flat screen TV brings your photos to life!
Coffee table full of my wonderful album designs.
I spent hours to choose what images to hang on my walls to represent my best work. Finally once day all the canvas gallery wraps and the frames were all ready to go be placed around on the walls of my office!
My Mom and I hung them with care, discussing each ones placement in detail. Once stepping back and seeing the completed product, was over whelming! It was then that I realized how far I have come in such a short period of time and how lucky I am to have been able to make a small business a success within the first 3 years. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me and my photography.
Thank you to everyone who helps support Rachel Beck Photography. Surly none of this would be possibly without you!